Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It Wasn't So Bad

At home with Mama
So last week, we got about ten inches of snow. It was insane. It started Wednesday evening and ended on Sunday. At first I thought I was going to need a brown paper bag to breathe in, because the thought of being snowed in with my three-year-old and my newborn baby was going to be too much for ME (I am emphasizing the word me). I mean, I just went back to work after a long maternity leave, and I was excited to get back into the swing of things. Then here comes the snow...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeaaaaattttt.
Well, it came down alright, and I was stuck in the house with my kids. But, it wasn't so bad. I made cookies with Julia, I got to spend more time with Jesse and catch up on the Real Housewives marathons. :  ) Joey ended up taking Julia to the farm for a couple of days in a row, and they got to go sledding. But, what I'm trying to say is that I enjoyed my time, and it wasn't so bad seeing the excitement in Julia's face as she tasted the yummy cookies, and the pure joy of watching a Jesse's tummy go up and down as he sleeps. Or getting schooled by a three-year-old at a game of 'Go Fish.' I don't know what I was thinking when I thought that I wasn't going to be able to handle being stuck inside. Memories were made and I hate to think that I would have missed out on it.

Julia loving the fact that she's snowed in at home.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two Years Later, Plus One

Well, last time I wrote Julia just turned one and we were enjoying every moment spending time with her. That has not changed at all! In fact, we added one more to our happy little family. On November 3, 2010 we welcomed Jesse Christopher (or as Julia says Jesse Fish-sticker) into the world.

Being a a family of four is definitely an adjustment. I find myself juggling two children making sure that the needs and wants of both Julia and Jesse are met. Nobody warned me about how exhausted I would be at the end of the day. But, I also never expected to fall in love all over again with being a Mom. I mean I love being a Mom to Julia, but now that there are two children, it's just so...magical!! I love that Julia is the big sister/my assistant when it comes to taking care of the baby. She's so caring and loving when it comes to Jesse. She loves to help with the diapers, and loves to hold him, and is making sure he is entertained when he is fussy. Last week I was folding clothes and I heard her in his room. I could hear her singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' to him as he was starting to fall asleep. It was so sweet. And, I also forgot how incredible my husband is. Joey works a couple nights a week, and last night I thought he was in the living room, he wasn't. He was in Jesse's room. He was sitting in the rocking chair, just rocking Jesse. The baby never cried, or wasn't fussy. Joey just missed him, and felt the need to squeeze in some father/son bonding time.

Joey is still working for ITS, and I am still working for the school district. I took on a second position as a Screener, where I travel to different preschools screening children that are about to enter Kindergarten.

With Winter being here Joey and Julia have been spending a lot of time outside sledding, and playing, meanwhile Jesse and I stay inside and stay cozy.

That's all I have for now, BUT, I promise, promise, promise to update this blog more often. It will be my resolution for 2011!!!

Now, I know I have neglected this blog, well for a few years. However, instead of posting a massive load of pictures from 2008-present, I'll just upload my favorite ones of 2010. So here we go!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

So One-derful!!!

Yep, Julia officially one year's old today! Our little baby is growing like a weed! She says a few words like Mama, Dada, Nana. She can say 'All Done' when she is finished with food, or a toy. She is a power crawler, and stands great by herself. She has started taking few steps, but is still not walking completely on her own yet.

Yesterday, we had her birthday at a pumpkin patch(The theme was E-I-E-I-O), and fun was had by all. Julia got lots of presents and sweets and we are grateful for all who attended. Here are some pictures that were taken.
As for the past year, I do have to say it has been the best of my life. I never knew mommy hood can be so much fun, rewarding and exhausting all at the same time. Julia has taught us so much, and it's only been a year! We can't wait to see what else comes our way, as our adventure as parents is still in the beginning phase. In the meantime we are loving every moment as mommy and daddy.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Into Everything

Hey All!! So, this is our last weekend before I go back to work. So sad, but Julia will excited and happy to spend time with Nana Chris, while Mama and Daddy are at work. Julia is on thebrink of being ten months. She is into everything. She loves to climb on anything. Currently, she climbs on top of her activity center to get to the fireplace. And this morning she pushed her piano to the couch to climb on the piano to get to the couch. Which of course I have to pay that much more attention to her.

She's pretty much eating everything on her own. No more spoon. She's getting to be a big girl. She LOVES black beans, avocado and kiwi.

Last week Joey had his parents tractor at our house, and Julia got to ride in it. She thought it was the greatest thing ever. I don't know who was more sad to see it go back to the farm, Joey or Julia.

Julia loves the water!! I am so glad that we got her involved with swimming lessons this Summer. She loves to play, splash and drink any water she comes into contact with. We went to Aligator Creek a couple of weeks ago, and she had a blast playing in the kiddie pool.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Busy Bees

So, I've been kinda a slacker lately, and haven't posted much. My appologies. However, we have been super busy this Summer. Julia is now nine months, and the time is just flying by wayyyyyyyyyy too fast.

In the middle of June, Julia and I got to hang out with our friends the Kaser's for about a week and had a lot of fun spending time with Finley.

Julia and I just got back from California about a week ago. We had a blast. It was so great to introduce her to her family on the West coast. We spent a few days in San Diego, did the whole Sea World, Mission Bay thing, and attended our cousin Ali's wedding. Which by the way, Ali looked AMAZING! After the wedding we went back to LA (thank God for the found keys), and spent time with more family. It was so great to visit with family, but there is definitely no place like home.

Joey has been super busy with his job as Operations Manager for a transportation company called ITS. We hardly see him, but when we get to spend time with him it makes it that much more special.
So far the Summer has been great to us. It's almost coming to an end, which is sad. But, there will definetly be next Summer and the Summer after that!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Katy Trail

On Saturday we went biking on the Katy Trail. We started in Defiance rode to Augusta. We had awesome weather, and there were great sites to see. Although we were definitely hot and tired by the end of the 14th mile, we were glad we did it, and can't wait to do it again real soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Look Out!

Hey everyone! Just thought I would write and give you an update on Julia. She's almost eight months, and she loves to be outside. If there's an opportunity to go outside, she takes it. Right now she's busy with swim (She's in the Shrimp group) and loves it! Other than that, she's busy touching everything, and putting it in her mouth.

I was folding clothes the other day, and for the second I wasn't watching her, I heard splashes. I looked over, and there she was playing and drinking Levi's water. As I rushed her over to the sink in disgust to wash her hands and mouth, I couldn't help to laugh. She's just busy getting into everything.